Not My Children!

>> Monday, July 20, 2009

These are my beautiful, wonderful, and perfect children. They would never act up, fight with one another, or misbehave in anyway. They would never do anything to cause their mother to turn a shade of red that I never new was possible. For example, my daughter would never cause me to hide when the UPS man came to deliver a couple of weeks ago. Because the last time he was here I took a moment to chat. As we were speaking, my perfect daughter did not appear suddenly in the doorway stark naked and yell from the top of her lungs "Naked Girl Here To Save The Day"! No way possible. Alexis keeps her clothing and undergarments on all day. She never runs around the house naked! Watch out preschool she is soon headed your way! My perfect first born child would never cause me to avoid Walmart for months. Age the glorious age of 3 he did not point out to the cashier she had a big pimple on her face with hair coming out of it. She tried to convince him it was a beauty mark, but my polite and submissive child did not argue with her for what seemed like an eternity. He also did not shout as we were running from the check out "But it has hair, that is not pretty"! Two weeks later as I ventured towards the check out with my son in tow, I did not scope every line to make sure the "Hairy Woman" was not at the register. I found a hair-free checkout, and guess what happened after I unloaded my entire cart? Cashier change! The "hairy woman" took over and the saga continued...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.