Not Me Monday

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

I most certainly did not come close to a nervous breakdown this week while school shopping with my children. The thought of Brent in 1st grade and Alexis starting preschool did not make me want to fall to me knees in Target, sobbing, screaming "Where has the time gone?". I most certainly did not tell the check out girl it would be a miracle if I made it out with my sanity after spending 2 hours shopping with my beloved angels. I most certainly did not hear "She touched me!" "He is mean!" "I want that!" "I need that!" and "Are we done yet?" 5 million times while shopping! Because my children are always grateful, never demanding, never greedy in their desires, never loud, they never fight, and they always are on their best behaviors and use the utmost manors! I most defiantly did not clean up urine and threaten to my husband to give up on potty training! I would never get flustered over my 3 year old peeing on her floor after removing her from the toilet only seconds before. Finally, I did not, would not, and will never again put myself in time out to have a few seconds to myself in order to catch my breath and pray for my sanity!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.