Spring Break 2011

>> Monday, March 28, 2011

Well this spring break was a little boring compared to last year. No stripper poles or drunken college students just some long overdue riding. We lucked out and had three gorgeous days. The kids took full advantage of it and did some riding with a friend Joshua. Both boys got new dirt bikes so it was time to put them to the test! 

Waiting for someone to get her four wheeler going!

Getting ready for the first ride on his new dirt bike! 

And he's off!

Brent loved riding with Joshua! 

Alexis decided if the boys could ride in the woods, she could too!

I love his one! Her eyes say it all!

Down, but right back up!

Alexis being told to slow down for the 100th time that day!

Three days of riding, multiple dirty clothes, but lots of fun!!