Not me Monday

>> Monday, July 19, 2010

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

I most certainly did not sleep in with my children everyday that I could this week. I would never do that. I always set my alarm, rise bright and early, and take advantage of my alone time to get some things done. Ha! Ha!

I have not questioned my sanity more than once this week when the bickering between brother and sister reached an all time high! Nah. Not me. I am always cool and collected when it comes to dealing with my arguing, pestering, tattling, name calling children. 

I am not secretly counting down the days till school starts. Nope not me. I am not going to re-inact the staples commercial where the mom is pushing the cart tossing in school supplies while signing and dancing and her two children look on with disgust. 

I am not starting to panic about all the things I wanted to get done this summer with the kids. With summer 1/2 over I am not beginning to realize I might fall short in all my plans. I am not getting a little teary eyed thinking that Brent is going into second grade and Alexis is entering her last year of preschool. Not me. I would never be overly emotional about my kids growing up. Ok scratch going back to school. Maybe I will just keep them home for good!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to < target="_blank" href="">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.