Super Saturday Summer Splash
>> Saturday, June 27, 2009
It is easy! Saturday+Summer=Swimming
We had a great time swimming on Saturday. My mom, my sister, and my niece and nephews joined us in the pool for some fun! The kids jumped, dived, kicked, floated, and splashed till they had nothing left (well, the younger ones anyways)!
Swimming+Lunch=Naps which in turn = happy mommies!

Whoever decided to make a giant gerbil wheel for the pool has a twisted sense of humor. Ben attempted to mount and move the giant plastic disaster- waiting-to-happen. The rest of us got some great laughs at poor Ben. In the end, the giant plastic gerbil wheel proved to be a task to big to conquer!
Okay, he's on...
He might be moving???
And he is off!
Better luck next time Ben!
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